Values and Parenting Dynamics

“What we are today is the result of what we valued yesterday… What we will be tomorrow will be the result of what we value today…”

Is Parenting today a big problem? An enormous issue to tackle it?  Going here and there to find various solutions? Approaching every person / social media site / counselor who can give me solutions to handle my day to day challenges with children?

Parents today are forgetting that children are parent’s greatest treasure. Like a gardener, they need to take care of their growth and overall development. Most important responsibility of the parents is to give psychological, moral, spiritual and social well being of the child. It is good to shower all the Love to your children but needs to be careful whether it is for the right need at the right time. To do all above, one does not need lots of money but quality time with children.

Every parent want their Child to be successful with good character. For this roots lies in how parents empower their children in good values today which will build their future.

Today focus is Social Media and Technology Advancement which gives priority to the Wired World, Easy Money, Gadgets, Brands and Cinema’s Superficial Stars etc. With advancement in Technology, today’s children and youth have advanced in their demeanour or degraded in Human Values, Morals and Character. Question to be pondered by each Parent!!!!

It is only possible by instilling value-based lifestyle in children. Parents with their actions and behavior develops Habits and Beliefs of the child for the lifetime. To practice all above areas, one needs following insights:

  • Clarity about Values which helps to manage priorities in life and take right action
  • Purpose of Life and Values Alignment
  • Unique Parenting Formula as each child is different
  • Adoption of Universal Human Values for Success in Life

Parents needs guidance:

  • To understand in detail how children adopt Values and Behavior.
  • To deal with child’s negative feelings such as frustration, disappointment and anger
  • To express your anger towards children without being hurtful
  • To get child’s cooperation through discussion
  • To set clear Do’s & Don’ts for Children
  • To use alternatives to punishment (Spanking / Verbal Abuse)
  • To resolve children and family conflicts peacefully

“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken man.” 

– Frederick Douglass

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